National Development Squad Profile

The National Development Squad (NDS) has been set up to narrow the gap between Regional Squad and National Squad. The NDS coaches will provide enjoyable, safe and challenging environments for Triathlon training.


Leave Application Form


Name   Affiliated Club
Chau Yu Chak Male 18 and above Crest Ray Recreation & Sports Club
Kei Yin  Male 18 and above Aqua Gym Sport Association
Mok Tsz Him Male 17 Galaxy Sports Triathlon
Yau Chi Him Ryan Male 17 Galaxy Sports Triathlon
Man Pak Lam Cass Male 16 AustSports Association
Lam Yat Long Male 16  
Chan Wai Yin Male 16  
Lam Evan Chung Long Male 16  
Chan Pak Hei Male 15 Galaxy Sports Triathlon
Chan King To Male 15 Energetic Triathlon Shatin
Chun Cheuk Long Male 15  
Lam King Sing Kurtis Male 14  
Mok Hoi Kit Carlos Male 14  
Ng Ching Kiu Male 14 AustSports Association
Choi Yui Hang Male 13  
Lee Hoi Jin Male 13  


Name   Affiliated Club
Lo Cheuk Yat Female 18 and above Energetic Triathlon Shatin
Tang Hiu Tung Female 18 and above Crest Ray Recreation & Sports Club
Anika Gretchen Yang Female 16 South China Athletic Association
Chan Yi Chun Female 15 AustSports Association
Wong Hong Ching Female 14 The Little Dolphin Swimming Training Center


A. Training Arrangements
Regular training comprises of six sessions per week in Shatin and Hong Kong Island area during school term.  Additional sessions will be organised during school holidays at various locations.  Exact training schedule will be communicated through email and TriHK website.


B. Additional Swim Sessions

Athletes achieving an 80% attendance, with good training attitude, will be recommended to attend a swim trial conducted by National Squad Coaches. Only athletes achieving a swim trial time of at least within 3% of the National Squad swim qualifying time will be invited to take part in the additional swim sessions as conducted by the National Squad Coaches. Athletes will have to fulfil further criterion as set by the National Squad Coaches to maintain their status at the additional swim sessions.



C. Leave Application

If NDS members cannot attend NDS training session due to kinds of reasons, it is a must to apply for the leave by informing Triathlon Association of Hong Kong China with leave application form and related proof in advance. NDS members should inform NDS coach about the leave application in advance.


D. Training Attendance
NDS members are expected to attend training programmes organised by TriHK and achieve an attendance rate of 80%.Upon acceptance of invitation, NDS members who foresee difficulty to attain the attendance requirement must initiate and take responsibility to discuss their personal circumstances with the NDS coach and have approval sought.


E. Race Participation

All NDS members are required to attend in all races organized by TriHK except for the races held at Bride’s Pool Road if their cycling skills are not sufficient.


F. Benchmarking Participation

All NDS members are required to compete in September Benchmarking organized by TriHK. Other Benchmarking hold by TriHK is also encouraged to take part in.


G. Kit

NDS athletes must be in NDS uniform at all TriHK races once the uniform is distributed. All NDS members must keep the NDS uniform in good condition, so as to promote the squad image. No alternation is allowed to the uniform provided, including, but not limited to printing of logos.


H. Squad Fee

The Squad fee is $500 per month.  All NDS triathletes have to prepay 3 months of the Squad fees.  Squad fees should be sent to Triathlon Association of Hong Kong China, either by cheque payable to “Triathlon Association of Hong Kong China Limited” or transfer directly to TriHK HSBC account at #502-118-375-838 and fax the receipt to TriHK Secretariat for confirmation.


I. Conduct
Whenever undertaking triathlon-related activities, all athletes are required to behave in a courteous and sportsmanlike manner.  Foul language or rude behaviour directed at race officials will not be tolerated and will be considered as a failure to comply with these obligations.

Athletes are not allowed to speak with the media regarding triathlon or TriHK without prior consent from the NDS coach or TriHK.

Athletes are forbidden from making derogatory remarks regarding TriHK or the Hong Kong Sports Institute in any media, including on-line forums, such as Facebook.


J. Registration Procedure

All NDS members have to be TriHK members. If you are not a member of TriHK, please fill in the attached membership form.


K. Resignation Notification

You are required to submit a resignation letter at least 2 weeks before leaving the squad.  E.g. if you submit the resignation letter on 1st Oct, the effective date should be on 15th Oct as Squad fee is on a monthly basis, you are required to pay the October Squad fee HK$500 as well on this basis.


L. Remarks

All NDS Athletes must comply with the rules and regulations upon. TriHK reserves the right from the athletes against the obligations to the squad invitation and the NDS training.

Arrangement of Inclement Weather
Please check the weather from the Hong Kong Observatory in advance of the training session (Tel: 1878200). Please contact coach if the weather is not stable that day. No training will be held if a typhoon signal No. 8 or above is hoisted, or if a Black Rainstorm Warning is effective 2 hours before the training start.  
Should you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at 2504 8282.


Update on 2 January 2025


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Leave application form