Recruitment of Part-Time Coach for Regional Squad (Assistant Coach) 2025


兼職教練招聘 香港地區集訓隊 (助理教練) 2025
Recruitment of Part-Time Coach for Regional Squad (Assistant Coach) 2025
(時薪: $177/小時 Hourly Rate: $177/hr)

工作範圍 Job Duty

1. 協助執教中國香港三項鐵人總會之地區集訓隊。
To assist in coaching the Regional Squad (RS) of the Triathlon Association of Hong Kong, 
China (TriHK).
2. 執教香港地區集訓隊訓練每週約 10-16小時,包括平日及週末訓練。
To coach about 10-16hours/week, including weekdays and weekends.
3. 出席香港地區集訓隊基準試驗及會議;執教附加訓練、本地或海外訓練營或比賽以促
To attend all RS benchmarking and meetings, coach additional training, training camps
and competitions (local or overseas), and urge athletes to qualify for time trials. The 
ultimate goal for RS athletes is to qualify as a National Development Squad (NDS) 
4. 保存運動員詳盡的訓練紀錄,並每月向中國香港三項鐵人總會提交隊員之出席紀錄、
To maintain detailed training records for the athletes and submit a monthly report to 
TriHK on the recording attendance, training report, and evaluation report.
5. 與總會秘書處商討訓練上所需之協調, 當中包括安排訓練設施的租用事宜。
To liaise with the Secretariat of TriHK on necessary arrangements to facilitate the 
training sessions, including logistic support, booking training facilities and other 
relevant arrangements.
6. 積極參與教練培訓計劃的活動,並每年參與不少於一次相關活動。
Actively involved in the coach education programme and participate in a related 
programme at least once yearly.
7. 熱心 / 積極發展三項鐵人運動。
Enthusiastic in developing triathlons.
8. 履行遴選委員會所指派之事宜。
To perform any other appropriate duties assigned by the Selection Committee of TriHK.
申請人所需資格 Requirements of applicants
1. 必須持中國香港三項鐵人總會或國際三項鐵人頒發的第一級或以上教練證書, 並提供
Possess a valid Level I Triathlon Coaching Certificate or above from the TriHK or World 
Triathlon (WT), and provide triathlon coaching experience in the past two years.
2. 能夠獨立策劃、執行和評核準精英訓練課堂,並配合主教練之訓練安排。
Enable in planning, delivering and evaluating Pre-Elite training sessions
independently, and cooperate with the main coach's training arrangements.
3. 具備對科學訓練、實踐和合適地運用領先科技之前瞻性知識。
Good knowledge and skills of leading trends in coaching, including coaching science, 
practices and theappropriate application of leading technology tools.
4. 需持有效由香港拯溺總會頒發的拯溺銅章或以上拯溺資歷,並定期更新。
Possess a valid Bronze Medallion or above qualifications from the Hong Kong Life 
Saving Society, and renewal periodically.
5. 需持有效由聖約翰救傷會、香港紅十字會或醫療輔助隊頒發的有效急救證書,並定
Possess a valid First Aid Certificate from the St. John Ambulance Association, Hong 
Kong Red Cross, or Auxiliary Medical Service, and renewal periodically.
6. 必須為中國香港三項鐵人總會 2025 年度之註冊教練。
Must be a registered coach of the Triathlon Association of Hong Kong, China in 2025.
7. 具有三項鐵人比賽經驗之教練獲優先考慮。
Coaches with experience in triathlon competitions would be an advantage.
8. 持中國香港游泳總會或香港游泳教師總會的游泳教師證書可獲優先考慮。
Possess a recognized Swimming Teacher's Certificate from Hong Kong China 
Swimming Association or Hong Kong Swimming Teachers’ Association would be an
9. 認識防止性騷擾政策及指引、香港保護兒童及平等機會政策為佳。
Preferably with the awareness/knowledge of Policy and Guidelines on Prevention of 
Sexual Harassment, Child Protection in sport and equal opportunity issues in the
context of Hong Kong.
10. 前香港代表隊成員獲優先考慮。
Retired National Squad members would be an advantage.

有興趣人士請將個人履歷及有關證書,於 2025 年 1 月 16 日中午 12 時或之前電郵致。 上述職位以合約形式聘任,如申請人在截止申請後的三個月
如有查詢請致電 2504 8282。
Interested candidates, please send your resume with a certified copy of the certificate by email to It is a contract-based position, an applicant who has not been invited for an interview within 3 months from the closing date may consider their applications 
unsuccessful. The association shall remain the final decision. Applications should be submitted no later than 16 January 2025 at 12:00 noon. For any enquiry, please contact 2504 8282.


Recruitment of Part-Time Coach for Regional Squad (Assistant Coach) 2025